Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bits & Pieces....

I had a few photos in my "Save for the blog" folder left over so I thought I would share them with you...

The first two are of a sight no sane parent ever wants to see....your child with a full body.. or in the case...full arm tattoos...I knew he was kidding when he sent these pictures...but just for a split second I thought "What have you done"...Now don't get me wrong..tattoos are OK but I personally think they should be a private matter and not on public display no matter what you are wearing...In this case my son Kyle had purchased a new product available at the super store of tasteless merchandise...Spencer Gifts...they are sleeves that you can slip over your arms and legs to have some fun with friends and family..actually I think it's a great idea...everyone thinking of doing something like this should go buy these first and wear them 24/7 for at least a month then decide if they really want to do this to their body for the rest of their lives....

My son Travis has a couple and yes I think they are a bit much but...for the most part they are covered and one on his back will end up being a masterpiece when it's finished...It's an eagle and it has been born from trying to cover up a previous tat that was not up to par...the end result will be OK but nearly twice as large as the original screw up...When it is finished I will post it here for all the world to see...

I even promised Travis that I would finally relent and get a tat of my own...after all a Marine without at least one tattoo can hardly call himself a true Marine...I've thought about it over the years and even with all the crazy shit I've been through I never did end up with one..I've decided it is time and of course the one I chose will be Marine Corps related....I've included the main part of it here...the bulldog...there will be some additional writing and maybe a little more detail...this work of art will be on my right shoulder and will serve two will be a salute to the Marines and also cover up a scar from a bullet wound incurred in Vietnam..I thought it was nice irony....I will also debut the end result right here on the blog...stay tuned!

Here is a pic of myself and the most controversial artist at the wine walk (see previous blog)..she was displaying mostly nude and all nude paintings and my friend Jim suggested that perhaps a picture is worth a thousand words when it comes to how much controversy this artwork created..needless to say..within the first hour of the display the full frontal nudity had mysteriously disappeared and a more modest display remained...Now I'm all for nudity but there were several children from the neighborhood and yes several children dragged along on the wine walk while their parents got wasted..there truly is no lack of stupidity even from people who should know better....

I stopped by the Lemon Tree art gallery here in town and was surprised to find a friend of mine who I had only seen once or twice this season...working there..Suzy is an accomplished artist in her own right and she now gets to sell other artist's work..but she is happy to have the job and husband Rusty and Buster (big dog just outside of picture) are on hand to support her....Suzy get them to put some of your work in there!!

And last but not least here a few recent shots of T.W.C.G....Daddy will be home any day now and all will be right with the world once more...I think Mommy has done a super job keeping baby Dakota in touch with her dad...

Here is one pic she fell into her toy baskets trying to get closer to Daddy's picture...

If you have the whole jar why settle for just one....

That's All For Now...


Semper Fi


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those sleeve tattoos have to be some of the coolest things I've ever seen! They look real, it's amazing!
I haven't been able to check the last couple of your blogs with the redeployment and everything, but it seems that you've been a very busy man.
With everything you have going on down there, I bet you sleep like a rock every night. You're defenitely living in a little slice of paradise, that's for sure. The area seems great, it looks very tropical from the backgrounds that are present in some of your pics. Those fish are spectacular, what a days catch! It takes the skill of a real fisherman to pull of that kind of catch, great job Dad! I've always admired the discipline and skill that you have as a fisherman, I'd like to absorb some of the infinite knowledge that you have and get into it a little bit more in my adulthood. It would be a nice thing to do with my kids like you did with us, I just have to remember how to tie those knots and everything, it seems like so much to remember. I'll probably end up buying a book for it like I do with everything else, if somebody has written it down and it tells me how to do it, I buy it! I'm an instruction manual guru, I don't believe in winging things and guessing how to do crap, I only end up worse off than I was when I do things that way!
Well I'm home now and it's defenitely great to be back. Dakota absolutely blows me away, she has grown so much over the last six months that it boggles my mind. She is incredibly smart, she is always "reading" a book, it cracks me up. She makes me so incredibly proud, everytime she looks at me with those eyes I just melt on the inside and I thank my lucky stars that I was blessed with her. I have to give credit where credit is due though; Shannon did a wonderful job over the last six months with everything and I consider myself a very lucky man to have her in my life. Dakota is a spitting image of her and she takes after her with a lot of her quirks, like her smile and her laugh. There going to be quite the little duo, I'm going to have to watch out, those two are going to be something together...hahaha!
Well, I just wanted to drop a line, I'll talk to you soon Dad, great posts.

Love Ya,
