Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's Official...I've Gone From "Over The Hill" to.."Dirty Old Man"

I can't believe I'm 60 years old...How did this happen?...the last time I checked I was a young 50 something...Now I'm practically a "Geezer"....My inner view of myself in my minds eye over the last few years is the man I was... and still thought ..I acted like... at about 35 or so...then I look at pictures of myself and see the gray hair and pouches under my eyes and think..."That's not me" must be a malfunction of the self image sure doesn't match the real one....I guess that's a good thing...otherwise there would be a lot more grumpy old fogies around than there already's all about self got to think young to be young...

I will still try to act and be young...and that's what counts..hopefully I don't regress to far and sink into an infant like state of drooling and mumbling...that will probably come later if I live long enough...right now with the help of the "Monkmobile" (see previous blog) I will re-live the missed youth of my teens and mid-twenty's with my muscle car instead of the used VW's and family hatchbacks that I really drove at that time in my life....

Suzy and my family threw a great surprise birthday party for me....everyone had a great was at the Moose club so everyone could enjoy the horseshoes and basketball and get to have a little fun instead of just hanging out with the birthday "almost a Geezer"....Suzy did a great job of decorating with the poker theme...I love Texas Hold-em and play whenever I can...I don't win much but I have come in the money several times this summer and even won a couple of small tournaments...I love the hat and I'm going to wear it to the next tournament...It might distract the competition long enough for me to bluff them out of a pot or two....
Of course no blog would be complete without a picture of the world's cutest grandchild...she and her mom are visiting in New York while Travis is in the desert.....
It's great to be me...I'm truly a very lucky man to have all these wonderful people in my life...

Til next time...

Semper Fi


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