Friday, February 1, 2008

Some Family Stuff...

First, let me say Happy Birthday to let me congratulate my son Ryan on his becoming one of the newest members of the Rochester police force....He didn't want his picture here in uniform...(the wrong kind of people may try to identify him)...I told him there are only about 25 people who read this blog on a regular basis...but I will obey his wishes...but take my word for it he sure does look handsome in his blues...I'm very proud of him and hope that I tell him often I have said before...I am so proud of each and every one of my kids and grandkids...they are all honest and moral and have a great sense of right and wrong...where they got this from..I have no idea....

TWCG just keeps getting more adorable every day....

I think is this picture she is probably trying to tell Mommy that she has no idea where she put the cat...

...and here she is letting her playmate know that the crayon mark on the carpet just behind them may or may not have been the cat's doing..... she makes a quick phone call for the carpet cleaners to come over before mom sees the spot.....

....of course she knows the truth....

...Time for lunch the old fashion way...hand to mouth..cheeks..forehead..ears....nose..well it's one of those.....

...Dakota says...Bye for now...(observe her standing on her own)

Her Daddy, Travis...(Happy Birthday Son) went on an SUV safari in the desert and got some thrills getting over those sand dunes...they made a stop at an Oasis...if your going to live in the desert this is the way to go...

Belly dancers and all....

I told him the Air Force was the only way to "Fly"...

This is the only mode of transportation in the desert that's 100% reliable....

That's All For Now..

Semper Fi



Anonymous said...

Hey Dad,

Great Post, as always!

Can you believe how much Dakota is growing, I'm blown away! I can't believe she's going to be one here soon, time flies. I know I'll be saying the same thing I've heard you say 6 times now, "If I could've kept you guys 2 forever, I would've!"
All the pictures I get from Mommy keep me going, I just wish there was more of her mixed in ther too, she must be camera shy like all women are...LOL!
I will be coming home soon, and I look forward to you coming to Cali shorty after my return. We have a few golf games to play and some quality time to spend with one another, so mark it on your calnedar tentatively, alright Dad?
Dakota has made a lot of friends since she's been home, they love Dakota for her amazing personality, but they also like all of her cool toys...hahaha! Dakota has more stuff than she knows what to do with, it's overwhelming the amount of stuff she has. I have to give a big thank you to all of our family for that one, I don't think we could've done it without all of the amazing help that we've gotten from every last one of our family members, a big thank you to everyone for that from the bottom of our hearts!
Soon there will be no more physical things left to buy her, I'm going to make sure of that! There's one thing we will never run out of being able to give to her and that is never ending love!
I've heard that Ryan has had an interesting start to his new job and that he has plenty of stories to tell me when I come home for leave. Hopefully we can talk more regularly when I get home so he doesn't have to save his stories for when I'm physically in NY. That's the toughest part about my job, even when I'm "home", I'm still far away from family. Hopefully in the future we can all be within close proximity to one another again. I miss the simpler days, back when one weekend was Moms weekend and the next was Dads, I remember those times like they were yesterday instead of almost more than 10 years ago when all of us still piled into your van on Friday afternoons and headed off for the weekend. Those were some of the best times I had as a kid and I will never forget all the great memories. I'm incredibly thankful to have such a loving, caring family and I thank God everyday for that.
Well Dad I better get going, I have the mission to continue with tomorrow!

Love Ya,


Anonymous said...

By the way, Thank you for the Birthday Wish Dad, it means a lot! I had a pretty good Birthday in the desert, it was a regular day of work followed by about 2000 rds of pistol shooting for myself and a few of my compadres', perks of the job I guess! They're going to have a Birthday dinner for those of us with February birthdays here next week, our boss and 1st SGT serve us up supper while we sit and relax, sounds like a good deal to me, pile on the chow! Thanks again Dad, I truly appreciate it.

Love Ya,