2ND Annual Wine Walk = A Good Time.....
Even though the second annual Dearborn Street Wine Walk become a "Wine Stagger" by the end for some of the participants..(your supposed to taste and spit)...everyone had a great time...I got to be a volunteer and had great fun riding around all day in a $4000 golf cart delivering ice and other supplies to the vendors....along the way I would give some poor soul... with tired feet or someone who had perhaps done a little less spitting than they should have...a ride to one end of the street or the other....
I even got flagged down by two women who said they just wanted a ride with a cute guy...that was a dead giveaway..I know they hadn't spit once the whole day...the only person that ever called me cute was my mother and that only lasted for the first year...who could blame them for not spitting...there were over a dozen vendors passing out fine wine and food...you just don't waste something that good... the walk was spread out over ten blocks....over 300 people had purchased tickets by the end of the day and the storm clouds held off til almost the very end of the day.....
There also were several artists on the street as well as several great musicians.. the music and art were fantastic....
My good friends Ronnie (sorry Ronnie..I didn't realize you were hidden behind Sandy), Sandy (who is helping me formulate a book on my adventures in paradise) and Richard (an artist in his own right) check out his work at : www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/s/seagull/ ...all volunteered their time and efforts...thanks my friends!!...My friend Lisa (Kayak Outpost) was the head of the volunteers and Joyce with one of the two owners of Vino Loco who sponsored the event...
It was also the day for the unveiling of a county sponsored event....each year several leading artists from around the country will be asked to contribute to a mural that will depict the history and heritage of the Englewood area...this first years artists came from as far away as California and as you can see there were some very talented paintings done that will now be displayed at various locations in the county...my only criticism is...why didn't they use artists from the area??...there is all the talent they would ever need right here at home...there is a saying that goes something like...In your own home town no one ever appreciates your talent, but leave the area and you are the out of town expert.....each year several more will be done and added to the growing collection of art devoted to the history of the area.....I hope they don't have to go to far out of town next year to find their experts.....
Well That's All For Now..
Live, Love, Laugh
Semper Fi
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