A Few Moments Of Your Time....
Just wanted to drop a few odds and ends on the blog....I went back up north for a few days after the Holi_Daze and never took one single picture...what a idiot...Oh well...I'll share a few pics with you from paradise and of course the world's cutest grandchild....
First here is a couple of pics of TWCG I got from my daughter-in-law the other day...wow is she getting big or what....(the baby, not my daughter-in-law).....Her daddy will be home in March and what a great time that will be for Dakota....
Speaking of Daddy...he went to the Harley shop in Dubai and fell in love with the bike of his dreams...I don't particularly like the idea of my children on motorcycles...but if he gets one someday I'll just have to hold my breath every time he rides it...not that the bike itself is dangerous...it's the people all around you in the cars that scare me...they just don't seem to pay attention to bikes no matter what kind of safety features they put on them...down here in the last few months we have had several deaths of people in their 50's enjoying there dream come true only to have it turn into a nightmare when some older person (in every case it's been someone in their 70's or 80's) turning left in front of the biker or hitting them from the rear at a stoplight...not to mention the young man who decided to jump the draw-bridge as it was going up and took off his head when he hit short of the other side...what a terrible way to die and for no reason except being young and stupid...
My son Kyle...the one going to college in Wyoming decided it was time to get some wheels...so what doe's he do....he buys a Mustang Seline...from a friend of mine down here...I had happened to mention the car to him and when he saw a picture he just had to have it...my friend gave him a great price.. in a drag race..this little beauty will be at the other end having lunch before the "Monkmobile" gets past the starter....and the Monkmobile is no slouch..Now we just have to figure out the cheapest way to get it from paradise to Wyoming a couple of months from now....
I grabbed one picture of some of the great group of people that I play cards with a couple of times a week...here is my friend Jerry...and a few others...Jerry was beat up by a gang of boys a few weeks ago...he is a bridge tender..(on the very same bridge as the motorcycle incident) and was trying to stop the group of teenagers from jumping off the bridge for kicks...as you can see..Jerry is no spring chicken..he did the best he could to fight them off but once they had him on the ground they kicked him in the head...he now is trying to figure out how to stop the daily migraines he has had since then...These are kids that were probably raised by parents who never punished them with a good swift kick in the ass...Corporal punishment is not politically correct now and that truly is a damn shame...I don't profess to condone beatings but a good slap on the ass and some stern words about how normal people act as well as some real punishment for getting out of line has been needed for a long time...no, it is not like every other generation complaining about how the young people are getting out of hand..nor is it just the opinion of a grumpy old man...a lot of my peers and younger realize the pendulum has swung to far and needs to be centered...
That's enough bitching for now...I should be more upbeat...but I just had to get it off my chest...Jerry is one great guy and it just a shame that things like that have to happen...
Last but not least here is a picture of the Jeep my son Kyle and his buddy Jason are working on...they put a 450 HP engine in this baby and I expect it will fly when they can get it running...there seems to be a few bugs but they will work them out...I can thank my lucky stars that my children have all learned to stay away from the wrong people...everyone of them have made the right choices in friends and how they themselves should interact with society...I'm very proud to call them mine and over the years every single one of them has made me proud of their accomplishments and choices they have made....
These kids have been a father's dream come true.....
Til Next Time...
Semper Fi
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