Sunday, January 28, 2007

In The Beginning....My First Post

Wow....My first post....I feel empowered....will the words I write here change world opinion...will what I have to say make a difference in someones life?....I doubt it...but I'm still excited about it.

I still have to decide what my blog will look like...I've just begun to envision the possibilities....I think I will add some pictures....perhaps some links to some of my favorite areas....of course I will tell you a little about myself in my bio...I am going to be a published author...something that I didn't think was even remotely publisher is not a vanity press and I was very lucky to find him...the kind of stories I write are exactly the kind he publishes...(war stories) we met through a very nice rejection letter that I received way back in that time my book was a coming of age story...something like "Wonder Years"..the old tv show...but with a twist... this main character grows up and goes to Vietnam...he liked the war stories he just didn't want any of the coming of age part....I gave up on the book and went on with the rest of my life...last year I decided to write the war stories out in chapter form and because I had saved that very nice rejection letter...I found an e-mail address for southfarm press and contacted the publisher...Walter Hann...he said that he remembered me from 20 plus years ago and that if I had some stories he would take a look at them....the rest is history as they say...he liked what he read and one year later my first book will be published in March...Monk's War (Memoirs of a Marine Grunt) Vol. One......there will be two additional volumes to complete a three volume set of stories about Vietnam with a personal can visit Walter's site at some mine when its published...I think you'll like the stories...well that's all I have for now...I'm excited about my new blog and the book...just thinking about the fact that my thoughts and memories will be published and now on the web gives me a sense of immortality....what a rush....

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