Another Day in Paradise
I spend my winters in Florida and most days are sunny and warm. Today we have a high temp of about 60 and everybody is running around in jackets and sweaters. I guess its a matter of perception, I talked with my son and its 12 degrees in upstate NY. He wishes it was 60, they would be out in shorts and sunbathing.
I try to fish everyday when I'm here. Fishing is my passion and for the last few days it really has not been warm enough to be comfortable standing in water up to my waist. I fish the back bay area for all kinds of saltwater fish and have even joined a web site called Helium that allows you to write about your passions and earn money. Well, lets just say the money part is more of a fantasy, you earn something like .001 cent per hit on your article. It's really not about the money its more about the fun of writing about what you love to do. If I can get one person interested in fishing from something I write about that would be just great.
My publisher (South Farm Press) says I should see a cover design this week. I'm really excited about my soon to be published book, "Monk's War". I've already lined up several book signings here in Florida and hope to get a few more up home this summer. I'm still amazed that as a first time author I found a non-vanity press publisher to accept my work. Take a look at his sight if you like war .
I'm still working on the site and I haven't posted a lot of info about me. I will work on it as I go along. I've got to spend time on writing volume 2 of "Monk's War" its tough to work in paradise.