"A Passion for Cookies and a Crew Full of Rookies"
I hope Jimmy Buffett doesn't mind me borrowing his lyrics...but I couldn't help thinking about those words after saying good-bye to my son Travis in California....He left today for the desert and will be gone for six months..I got to spend a week with him and family and I'm very glad I did...We all hope to keep in touch...he has a phone card with 3000 minutes and his laptop....I hope one or the other can be used where he's going....As I have said before...he is an expert Combat Arms Instructor and will be doing that job over there....I'm hoping he will be out of harms way....The picture that his wife took a few months back is so poignant that I thought I'd show it again...to remind everyone not personally involved in this conflict....that there are brave and honorable men and women looking out for their freedom... and for freedom and the right to be free for others around the world...When they pass through that door.. sometimes for the last time.. on their journey to defend freedom...leaving family and loved ones behind..it is one of the saddest and proudest moments of a parents life...God Bless and Godspeed my son....
I'll be doing another post in a day or so...with more summer fun.....and book updates
Til Next Time..
Semper Fi